Project Description
You will make the easy KFO 2 a modern therapeutic focus point of your practice if it is important to you that your instrument holder is located at the side that faces you, the dentist.
This opens up new dimensions in ergonomics and practical efficiency during orthodontic treatment and preventative work, such as professional tooth cleaning.
3491T Lichtblau
1300T Zinkgelb
5515T Apfelgrün
5023T Pastellblau
1009T Cyanblau
5503T Safrangelb
3493T Aquamaringrün
5003T Saphirblau
7791T Lachsorange
5511T Laubgrün
5011T Stahlblau
1414T Rot
14966T Metallicgrün
1007T Schwarz
1604T Bordeauxrot
14766T Metallicrot
7502T Anthrazitgrau
4003T Erikaviolett
6001T Haselnuss
1011T Hellgrau
5510T Purpur
8017T Schokolade
3494T Seidengrau
3492T Cyclam
15141T Metallicblau
9007T Platingrau
7021T Satingrau
9002T Weiss